Call It A Loan When I Act Like I Care *OR* Please Pay Me Back
Call It A Loan-
It always seems sad to me when someone passes away and when you finally get the news about how they died you find out they were in declining health for a period of time, yet it was unknown not only to you, but to others that should have been in the know because of the love between them.
What are the reasons we don't share with one another what is *REALLY* going on in our lives?
Think about it...
Often we know that when people ask "How's it going?" or "How are you?" etc. They really don't want to know *OR* they aren't *REALLY* listening *OR* they just don't give a damn.
As a Christian, I believe that is sin. Don't ask if any of the above is true of you. Say something else.
Most people because of this do as I am guilty of doing and reply, "Fine" or "Great. thanks for asking" or "Good" or some such response.
Lying... Also a sin.
I can relate to this because of my own health problems over the last two years. I can tell you no one cared/cares save one.
If anyone else*DID* care, they have yet to express that.
I nearly died near the Christmas of year one.
Thank God for my mother and how she takes the Word very seriously.
We are commanded to love others as we do ourselves by Jesus Christ!
Not church doctrine
Not theology
Not the 3rd monkey or anything else!
To an end, Make a point to dig a little bit when you next greet someone with "What's up?" and et alli.
Say something else until you can speak with the integrity, desire, and willingness to really listen, and listen to hear without plotting a response before they have even finished telling you. Be slow to speak and quick to hear...(James 1:19).
These are words of wisdom as well as a guideline for followers of Christ Jesus.
Think about it...
I am a percolator in an instant coffee world.
I know you are busy, but please leave some commentary if you are reading this. Conversely, email me at
Matthew 22:37-39
New Living Translation (NLT)
37 Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’[a]
38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]
22:37 Deut 6:5.
22:39 Lev 19:18.
In His name and on the sign of the rebel, Jesus!
-Just L.

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