Matthew 7:1-5
The Voice (VOICE)
7 Jesus: If you judge other people, then you will find that you, too, are being judged. 2 Indeed, you will be judged by the very standards to which you hold other people.
(So when someone is tempted to criticize his neighbor because her house isn’t clean enough, she seems ill-tempered, or she is a bit flighty—he should remember those same standards and judgments will come back to him. No one should criticize his neighbor for being short-tempered one morning, when he is snippish and snappish and waspish all the time.)
Jesus: 3 Why is it that you see the dust in your brother’s or sister’s eye, but you can’t see what is in your own eye? 4 Don’t ignore the wooden plank in your eye, while you criticize the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eyelashes. 5 That type of criticism and judgment is a sham! Remove the plank from your own eye, and then perhaps you will be able to see clearly how to help your brother flush out his sawdust.
First of all, I love this new translation. The publisher is making a part of it available for a free preview to get the feel of how it flows along with the usual description of how they arrived at the final translation. Add it to my wishlist.
In these verses it puts me in a little bit more accurate state of mind about the things we judge and even gossip about everyday.
I like to think about Gal 6:1 after reading this. Restoration with gentleness. Remember Love COVERS. Watch the gossip.
How wise Jesus was in instructing his Apostles and Us...
I ask you today:
1.Read the above passages and dwell on them.
2.Make a point to look at them once per day for 1 week.
3.Measure yourself as you go along about judgement (spoken and unspoken) and gossip, asking yourself are you covering or exposing when you speak of someone?
Your comments are welcome and appreciated.
In His name and on of the sign of the rebel, JESUS!
-L. (Of The House Of L.)
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